Baltic Plan of Accommodation 1928


Twin screw SS Baltic.

An IMM Travelers Check.
An IMM Travelers Check. (Author’s Collection)

‘The construction of larger liners and the demands of cabin class passengers for the comforts of home have made necessary a new standard at sea…

‘Removal of the old-style fixed chairs and large tables from the dining saloon and the substitution of armchairs and small tables is a feature of the overhauling program. Larger ships and better equipment make for greater stability, the line officials said, and these old features are no longer necessary.

‘Hot and cold water will be furnished in every cabin class stateroom of the Cedric and the Baltic.’ – New York Times, January 28th 1929.

Uncrated car baggage tag.
This baggage tag advised passengers to check their auto ‘as baggage-Uncrated’! (Author’s Collection)

By the late 1920s, Baltic and her sisters were converted to cabin class liners as they continued their reliable service in the face of increasing competition. The original first class accommodation became known as cabin, while second class became known as tourist (or tourist third) and third class retained its original name.

Click the thumbnails below for a slideshow of images from the brochure, along with detailed captions.

The cabin class dining saloon. Following experience with Celtic, the saloon onboard Cedric was enlarged slightly, but Baltic’s had to be even larger again in order to cope with the higher number of first class (later cabin) passengers. (Author’s collection.)
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