Majestic Model Dossier


A model of Majestic survives today at the Auckland Maritime Museum. It was originally made by by Basset-Lowke, who manufactured several ship models, as well as model railways and other assorted items. Timothy Young deserves sincere thanks for sharing information about the model.

(Another model, reputedly the original builder’s model of Bismarck/Majestic, still survives today. It is a half model, displaying the ship’s interior spaces, and remains in excellent condition. It is displayed at the RAN Historical Collection, Spectacle Island, Sydney Harbour. Photographs and information about this model can be found at Peter Leach’s website: ‘Bismarck Model’ )

Click on the arrows to navigate through the slideshow, and to read the informative captions for each image.

Although the model - especially the rigging and deck fittings - have seen better days, the elegant sweep of the bow is visible. (Courtesy Timothy Young.)
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